Weekly Wishlist–High Tea

Although my husband was born and raised in Kenya, his mother is British and it is her culture that he most inherited, particularly a penchant for tea. I never used to have more than an occasional cup of herbal tea on a cold winter afternoon. Since hooking up with Hassan, however, I find myself drinking at two to three cups of black tea a day. My wedding vows included a promise to make him tea whenever he was ill. When neither of us are ill we split the tea making duties. And of course, nothing makes tea better than some handmade goodness to go along with it.

 I pity the fool who doesn’t want this teapot:

Mr. Tea Pot by LennyMud

And of course to remind us of why we drink tea, we could use these delightful tea bowls:

Keep Calm and Drink Tea by Holly Slay

And of course, we need something to drink. My husband prefers the simplicity of tea, Earl Grey (hot), but for myself I like the spice of a good Chai.

Loose Leaf Rooibus Chai Tea from TheRobinsNest

Millinery Marvels: Talulahblue

I have often felt that modern Western culture gives too little regard to the forehead as a site of decoration. We paint our cheeks and our lips, pierce our ears and our noses, but the space from our eyebrows up to our hairline is sadly ignored. Fortunately, British milliner Talulahblue is working to rectify the situation with her wide variety of stylish headbands.

This gorgeous piece, titled Ruby of the Orient in recognition of Eastern cultures longer history with forehead decorations, is a beautiful example of inventive millinery. The peacock feathers are hand curled, and Talulahblue has created a lovely satin cameo to anchor the feathers. The beaded trim provides my favorite forehead decoration.